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Have you taken the proper precautions for the adjustment of high complicated watches?

IWC Portoghese Calendario Perpetuo - dettaglio quadrante
IWC portoghese calendario perpetuo con calendario lunare – dettaglio del quadrante

Watchmaker companies are committing themselves to supply their clients all the necessary tools for the autonomous setting of high complicated watches. More or less detailed user’s handbooks show watch upkeep, included time setting; the tool with adjusting small metal tips, usually found in the most elaborated watches, allows to activate the correctors, adjusting buttons located on the case for several settings (calendars, moon’s phases, leap years, …).

We would like to make you notice that there is a risk connected to the activation of the delicate mechanism of watches with serious complications. It is necessary to follow a definite sequence during the setting of functions, in order to avoid the toothed wheels to be damaged, seriously prejudicing the movement. For this reason, it is advisable to ask a skilled watchmaker, qualified to deal with brands of this calibre for calendar setting, leap years, moon’s phases, and other rare complications like time equation and sidereal hour.

To wear your prestigious watch freely, without necessarily ask a trustworthy watchmaker to set it for you, there is a solution for self winding watches: the Time Boxes, cases supplied with rotating watch placements which keep the rotor of the winding mechanism moving constantly.

Tags: Watch Care