Watchmaking art celebrated in the first Encyclopedia by Diderot and D'Alambert

Diderot and D’Alambert encyclopaedia celebrated the watchmaking art since its first edition:. « La fabrique qui fleurit le plus à Genève est celle de l’horlogerie. Elle occupe plus de 5’000 personnes, c’est-à-dire plus de la cinquième partie des citoyens. » (translated: The main industry in Geneva was watchmaking. It employs more than 5,000 peole, meaning more than 1/5th of the whole population).

A whole book of the encyclopaedia was dedicated to watchmaking: detailed figures illustrated technical aspects of clock functioning.


Una rassegna di differenti tipologie di scappamento


Il dettaglio di una macchina per la fresatura dei piani di ruota


La complessità di un meccanismo con ripetizione à la Stacden


Moderna copertina del libro dedicato all'orologeria dell'Enciclopedia

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