Technical challenges for Hausmann & Co. watchmakers in Rome: the restoration of the Planisferologio belonging to Vatican Museums

Hausmann & Co. was asked by Pope Leo XIII to restore the Farnese Planisferologio, better known as the “Parma Planisferologio” because of its origins. It was built at the beginning of XVIII Century by the itailan watchmaker Bernardo Facini from Parma, working on technical studies by the mathematician Geminiano Montanari.


Fotografia originale dei primi del '900 del quadrante del Planisferologio


Fotografia originale dei primi del '900 del meccanismo del Planisferologio


Invito rivolto al Pontefice per partecipare alla prima esposizione del Planisferologio restaurato


Disegni tecnici del Planisferologio realizzati a mano dai tecnici Hausmann & Co.

At that age, the Planisferologio was one of the most complicated existing clocks, with many time and astronomical indications. The restoration lasted 13 months and took a team of 30 watchmakers from Hausmann & Co. A working diary and 24 hand-made technical sheets testify the huge work and the great competency behind the restoration.

Given the extraordinary work done, Pope Pius X gave to Ernst Hausmann the title of Knight of St. Sylvester and assigned to Hausmann & Co. the role of Official Watchmaker for the Holy See, that Hausmann & Co. still plays nowadays .

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