Icona x chiusura
Icona x chiusura

Ancient hand-written client book: Hausmann & Co's tradition inside historical documents

An important part of the watchmaking work is servicing.

This is how Hausmann & Co. became famous in Rome: the best technicians available were employed in the watchmaking workshop: they were capable of reproducing any given part of a clock or watch entirely by hand and well versed in all the technical developments of a sector in constant evolution.

Beautifully traced in India ink are the names of all the royals and Roman nobles, popes and cardinals, presidents and top politicians, and poets and musicians whose watches has been serviced by Hausmann watchmakers. These include figures such as Queen Margherita of Savoy, the  parliamentarian Antonio Salandra (later to become Prime Minister in 1914), Sidney Sonnino (future foreign minister and head of government), the poet Cesare Pascarella and the architect Gaetano Koch.

Tradition is updated, but not given up. Together with the official hand-written registers today Hausmann Service Center is equipped with an integrated software to manage and to track the watch overhaul process. And our watchmakers, always updated with training session by the main Manufactures, always demostrate outstanding performances.

Il primo registro clienti di Hausmann & Co., datato 1881
Il primo registro clienti di Hausmann & Co., datato 1888

Tags: Our History