A customer brought us a piece of our memory. Dating back to the First World War

The years of the First World War were a difficult period for a German-named company, in whose workshop many technicians of German origin were employed. It was the generational transition which saved the company from any hostility deriving from these circumstances, albeit at a harsh price: the two eldest of Ernst Hausmann’s nine children, Joseph and Maximilian, who were Italian-born, both served on the Austrian front as captains in the Sardinian Grenadiers. It was their presence in the Italian uniform which persuaded the Romans to tolerate and accept as their own those German insignia on Via del Corso, which were a somewhat awkward presence at the time. But what destiny did not hold in store was their return to Rome, and both Joe and Max Hausmann met their deaths under Austrian fire on Monte Grappa. They now rest with their Silver Medals of Military Valour at the Redipuglia military shrine near Gorizia.

The value of Joseph and Maximilian is still evident in the behaviour of a customer that brought to our historical store in via del Corso a copy of this ancient article from the newspaper of a famous roman school, called the Istituto Massimo. This article was written by his father, who met at the phone, during the battles on the Mount Grappa, the captain Hausmann. He recognised his school mate, but in the time of a second phone call, after only 10 minutes, he discovered that his ancient friend was hit, and died on that same day.

Tank you, Sergio, for this memory.

Istituto Massimo giornale interno 1917 Tenente Joseph Hausmann caduto sul Monte Grappa sotto le granate austriache durante una la prima guerra mondiale che infuriava nelle doline carische

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